Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A distributed local computer network : FISHNET (Facilities Integrated in a Shared Habitat NETwork)

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  • FISHNET (Facilities Integrated in a Shared Habitat) is a communication subnet architecture utilizing a hybrid application of point-topoint and broadcast communications to achieve a high degree of network performance. This objective is achieved through utilizing a dual bus structure: a data bus and a control bus. The data bus consists of a set of uni- or bidirectional direct links connecting unique pairs of nodes. Data is transfered via an arbitrary connection pattern of links dynamically established between network nodes by circuit switching. The control bus is a common bus on which all nodes may transmit data, receive data, and monitor control and acknowledgement responses of other nodes via message switching. A fully distributed routing and control algorithm allocates communicationresources to communicating nodes. FISHNET offers an environment in which the communication structure may easily be incrementally modified (and improved) by insertion and deletion of additional networkcomponents. FISHNET has the ability to sense system faults and modify routing procedures via an adaptive learning control. Hence, link or node faults will not terminate all network operations. FISHNET performance has been simulated and found to offer performanceimprovement over the centralized version of FISHNET (i.e. Jafari Loop [JAFA 77]), the Newhall Loop [FARM 69], Pierce Loop [PIER 72a], and DLCN [REAM 761.
  • FISHNET (Facilities Integrated in a Shared Habitat) is a communication subnet architecture utilizing a hybrid application of point-topoint and broadcast communications to achieve a high degree of network performance. This objective is achieved through utilizing a dual bus structure: a data bus and a control bus. The data bus consists of a set of uni- or bidirectional direct links connecting unique pairs of nodes. Data is transfered via an arbitrary connection pattern of links dynamically established between network nodes by circuit switching. The control bus is a common bus on which all nodes may transmit data
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  • 3870277 bytes
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Grayscale) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 B+W), using Capture Perfect 3.0, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 3.1 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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