Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Identification of Asian garments in small museums

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  • The frequent misidentification of Asian garments in small museum collections indicated the need for a garment identification system specifically for use in differentiating the various forms of Asian clothing. The decision tree system proposed in this thesis is intended to provide an instrument to distinguish the clothing styles of Japan, China, Korea, Tibet, and northern Nepal which are found most frequently in museum clothing collections. The first step of the decision tree uses the shape of the neckline to distinguish the garment's country of origin. The second step of the decision tree uses the sleeve shape to determine factors such as the gender and marital status of the wearer, and the formality level of the garment. The decision tree instrument was tested with a sample population of 10 undergraduates representing volunteer docents and 4 graduate students representing curators of a small museum. The subjects were asked to determine the country of origin, the original wearer's gender and marital status, and the garment's formality and function, as appropriate. The test was successful in identifying the country of origin of all 12 Asian garments and had less successful results for the remaining variables.
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