Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Morphometric properties of nivation hollows on Hart Mountain, Lake County, Oregon

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  • Hart Mountain is a basaltic fault block mountain in the semi-desert region of the northern Basin and Range province in south-central Oregon. Geomorphic processes associated with lingering snowpatches have formed nivation hollows, which are small scale depressions in the hillsides. The lingering snow in the hollows prohibits shrub growth. Bedrock scarps, present in some of the hollows, show indications of chemical alteration. Bills are present below most of the hollows, indicating that surface runoff from these sites occurs. Average hillslope, which controls the shear stress placed on soil particles, is statistically related to morphometric attributes defining the size and angles of the hollows. Simple linear regressions and the nonparametric Kendall's rank correlation coefficient (p-) and Theil's C test for the regression line slope suggest that average hillslope is directly related to the morphometric attributes of the hollows. Heat transfer controls the areal distribution and duration of snowpatcnes. A relative insolation factor and elevation are taken as surrogates for heat transfer. These surrogates are likewise correlated with the morphometric attributes of the hollows. Both the elevation and the relative insolation factor suggest an inverse relationship between heat transfer and the size of nivation hollows. The hollows on Hart Mountain appear to have been formed by accelerated nivation processes during the Pleistocene and are currently being modified by less intense nivation.
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