Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A comparative karyotype analysis of pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco and Pseudotsuga wilsoniana [Hayata]

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  • Karyotype analyses have been madeon only two on the six recognized species in the genus Pseudotsuga, Douglas-fir (P. menziesii) and bigcone Douglas-fir (P. macrocarpa). In this study, a comparison was made between the karyotypes of Douglas-fir and Formosan Douglas-fir (P. wiloniana). The basic chromosome number of the Formosan Douglas-fir was found to be 12, different from Douglas-fir, which has a number of 13. (The basic number for bigcone Douglas-fir is 12, as reported by Christiansen in 1962.) Moreover, the study confirms work of Barner and Christiansen in 1962 on the chromosome morphology of Douglas-fir. Of the 13 chromosomes of Douglas-fir, five have been found to have median centromeres; six, subterminal centromeres; and two, terminal or nearly terminal centromeres. On the other hand, Formosan Douglas-fir was found to have six chromosomes with median centromeres and six with subterminal centromeres. The possible modes of origin and the implications of the differences in chromosome numbers are discussed.
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