Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The MOS tetrode transistor

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  • The MOS tetrode transistor is studied in this project. This device is ideally suited for high frequency and switching application. In effect it is the solid state analogy of a multigrid vacuum tube performing a very useful multigrid function. A new structure is developed for p-channel 10 ohm-cm. silicon substrate of (111) crystal orientation. This structure consists of an aluminum control gate G₁ buried in the pyrolytic SiO₂, or E-gun evaporation SiO₂, with thermal oxide for the control gate insulator. An offset gate G₂ produces another channel L₂ and causes a longer pinchoff region in the device. The drain breakdown can be maximized so as to approach bulk breakdown as the result of the redistribution of the surface field. The Miller feedback capacitance C[subscript]G1-D is very low, approaching values similar to those of the vacuum pentodes. This paper describes the design, artwork, pyrolytic SiO₂ and E-gun evaporation SiO₂ process. The V-I characteristics, dynamic drain resistance, capacitance, small signal equivalent circuit and large signal limitation, and drain breakdown voltage are also discussed.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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