Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A program of studies for Amity Union High School

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  • The purpose of this study was to develop a program of studies for Amity Union High School that would adequately meet the needs of the students. By providing suitable information for the local board of education, administration, teachers, and parents, it is hoped that appropriate revisions, extensions, or modifications would result in a more desirable program. The information summarized is based on the recommendations of the present faculty at Amity Union High School and a questionnaire completed by 105 respondents of 149 former students that graduated during the period of 1955 through 1959. A review of literature indicated there should be a continuous program of studies evaluation. In large schools special faculty committees normally make recommendations for program revisions while an entire faculty may function in this capacity in smaller schools. An analysis of data from the graduates was made to determine occupational choice, job satisfaction, monthly salaries, amount and type of education received beyond high school, and constructive criticism of various subjects and services offered or not offered by their former school. These data were made available to the faculty for use as references when studying possible improvements of the school program of studies. The faculty met four times to evaluate the present program and related areas at Amity Union High School and each of the areas was discussed until a concensus was obtained. Faculty members offered recommendations for revisions and additions to be incorporated over a period of several years. How rapidly these changes would come about depend on personnel training and availability, physical facilities, and increased enrollment. Their recommendations include: the improvement and revision of seven present subject areas; the addition of 15 specific high school courses; increasing the time allotted for counseling from two to four hours daily; addition of four classrooms to provide for present and future enrollment remodeling present building to provide for counseling facilities, a larger library, foreign language laboratory, and a faculty room; construction of a new gymnasium with the present one to be utilized by a lunch program and physical education.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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