Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Substrate capture by a psychrophilic marine bacterium

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  • Cells of the marine bacterium, Ant-300, accumulate loosely bound amino acids during amino acid uptake. The fraction of amino acid taken up that exists in the loosely bound state depends on the substrate in question. Shock treatment studies indicate that, in general, the initial binding, uptake, and retention of amino acids are sensitive to reduced osmolarity and salt concentration. Cellular components that bind the amino acids arginine and lysine are released from the cells during shock treatment. Charge interactions appear to be responsible for the reversible formation of the ligand-protein complex. It is proposed that these components, presumably proteins, mediate the capture of the amino acids arginine and lysine at the surface of the cell. Chemotaxis provides the cell the opportunity to migrate from areas of low arginine concentration to areas of high arginine concentration. Arginine transport into the cell is mediated by two high affinity components with kinetic constants of 1.2 x 10⁻⁸ and 4.5 x 10⁻⁷M. These mechanisms enable Ant-300 to scavenge nutrients in the marine environment, thereby assuring its own survival and promoting the regeneration of nutrients.
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