Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Development and evaluation of a programmed unit on diabetes mellitus

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  • A programmed unit on diabetes mellitus was written and tested on three groups of students. These included a class of licensed practical nurses taking a refresher course in pharmacology, a class of third year pharmacy students, and a class of first year students enrolled in a three year nursing program. The students were administered a pre-test and the programs distributed in a class period. Students studied the material as their schedule allowed and a post-test was administered in the class period one week from the day the programs were distributed. The tests were of the multiple-choice type and the same test was used in both instances. Analyses of the test included an item analysis and calculation of the reliability coefficient, the G-ratio, and the index of discrimination. Norms are reported for each sub-group as well as for the total group. Both the program and test were found adequate to fulfill the goals established for teaching the subject matter and the group defined. Recommendations for minor revisions in both the program and the test are made where they are felt needed based upon data collected. The findings of this research concur with earlier reports that programmed instruction is a proven method of learning. It is an additional tool available for classroom teaching and offers a challenge to both the student and the instructor. Perhaps the most significant outcome of the use of programmed units will be the exposure of some of the weak points in our present educational system. The tendency to insist upon high standards may bring about a re-evaluation of other methods of teaching and the establishment of new goals to raise the general level of all educational practices.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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