Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Dynamics and control of a heat integrated distillation column with side heat exchanges

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  • One of the alternative energy-saving methods in a conventional distillation process is the use of side (intermediate) reboiler and/or condenser for a portion of the overall heat load. A nonlinear differential equations model was developed to describe the dynamics of a typical binary distillation process with and without the side heat exchangers. Conventional column dynamics can be represented by 2x2 transfer matrices, whereas for a column with side heat exchangers the open-loop and closed-loop dynamics can be expressed in terms of 4x4 transfer matrices. Analysis indicates that decoupling and feedforward control policies may be hard to implement, due to the increased dimensionality. However, simplifications obtained through the selective pairing of the control variables provide the familiar 2x2 matrix treatment. Classical control policy was extended to design different control strategies (feedback and feedback/feedforward) for a column with side heat exchangers. Simulation studies reveal that the control response is better in the case of the modified column. When the side heat exchanger duties were used as feedforward variables with reflux and main boil-up rates as feedback variables, little improvement was observed as compared to the feedback control alone. On the other hand, use of side heat exchanger duties as feedback variables with reflux and main boil-up rates as feedforward variables resulted in unstable operation of the column.
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