Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Sources of influence on passive and active immunoglobulin G responses in swine

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  • Thirty-seven Yorkshire sows were bred to one of six boars; 34 of the sows were verified pregnant at 42 d of gestation. These sows were innoculated with ovine serum albumin (OSA) in Freunds' complete adjuvant at 65 d and later given a second injection in Freunds.' incomplete adjuvant 93 d. Blood samples were collected from the sows 7 d post-second injection. Blood samples were also collected from their 386 piglets at 12 to 24 h after birth. At 10 wk, blood samples were collected from 175 of the piglets after which they were given the same series of injections at 10 and 14 wk as their dams at 65 and 93 d. At 15 wk, blood samples were collected from 169 of the pigs. Serum was harvested from all blood samples and was analyzed by kinetic enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay techniques to determine the effect of environmental and genetic sources of variation on titers of anti-OSA immunoglobulin G. Age, weight and litter size had no effect on sow titer (P>.05) Sow age, sow weight, sow titer, litter size and birth weight had significant effects on piglet IgG titers at 12 to 24 h after birth. Significant two-factor interactions for piglet IgG titers at 12 to 24 h after birth were observed between birth weight x litter size, sex x sow age, sex x sow weight and sow titer x birth weight. At 10 wk, sources of variation affecting IgG titers included sow titer, litter size, titers at 12 to 24 h and weight at 10 wk (P<.01). At 15 wk, sow weight, sow age and titers at 12 to 24 h significantly affected immunoglobulin titers. Heritability estimates obtained for 12 to 24 h titers and 15 wk titers were 2.52 ± 2.37 and .37 ± .86, respectively.
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