Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Instrumentation system for high speed data sampling of electrical machinery

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  • The objective of this thesis is to develop criteria for a data acquisition system for electrical machinery capable of sampling a signal every 0.2 msec with a desired accuracy of 0.1%. The system to be measured includes both AC and DC voltage and current signals from several points. The main item of installed equipment from which measurements were taken for test purposes was a motor-generator (MG) set and an exciter which are located in the power laboratory in the basement of Dearborn Hall. A Texas Instruments 960A computer complete with an analog to digital conversion system (multiplexer, A/D converter, and sample and hold amplifier) was available for use. The criteria are developed from an analysis of the environment, the installed equipment and several possible circuits for the measurement system. Machinery coupling capacitances and leakage resistances are discussed as are the noise voltages, unbalances, and voltage transients resulting from them. The magnetic noise pickup in the signal loops was investigated to determine its effect on the signal transmission. The exciter frequencies (inherent) are analyzed and their effect on the accuracy of the system discussed. Noise minimization circuit principles are discussed briefly as are several fabricated instrumentation amplifier circuits. The fabricated instrumentation amplifier circuits are tested for common mode rejection and the results tabulated. A typical manufactured instrumentation amplifier is also tested for comparison. A data acquisition system for both the DC and AC circuits of the AC generator is recommended and discussed. The results of tests utilizing the DC circuit are discussed. General specifications for the components of the recommended circuits are developed. These are general guidelines for the acquisition of the component parts of the measurement system.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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