Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A new loop structure for distributed microcomputing systems

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  • A new modular loop architecture for distributed computer systems has been developed and compared with three of the most prominent loop architectures currently being used. The competitive loops with which the new architecture has been compared are the Newhall loop, the Pierce loop and the DLCN loop. The four loop architectures were compared by means of simulation models, with the new architecture demonstrating significant improvements in throughput and response time over the competitive systems. In addition, the new loop network is highly modular, flexible, and adaptable to network growth, allowing for growth and change in user's request. The new loop structure introduces two major innovations; use of a separate control loop for control messages flowing between nodes and a loop controller and a partitionable structure for a separate data loop with each segment between two adjacent nodes treated as a separate bus. The simulation results, for the new loop network, were used to guide the development of an M /M/m queueing model. This was done by a regression technique to yield an M/M/Z queueing model. The results of the analytical model were then compared with simulation results. The very close fit between the two models suggests a general technique to obtain a closed form model from simulation results.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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