Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Multiple objective planning procedures in water resource development : the trade-off ratio

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  • The social and economic objectives of society in the United States are many and varied. All objectives, in turn, cannot be achieved simultaneously because of a finite resource base. The problem of finding an optimum, in some sense, level of achievement for the various objectives is complicated by lack of a common measure of value. As a result, trade-offs must be calculated and presented to a decision body for choice. The purpose of this study was to define and indicate the elements affecting the trade-off ratio. A guiding premise of the study was that any planning group, private or public, is involved in isolating a multiple product production function. Multiple output production theory provided the basis for development of a conceptual model useful in the calculation of trade-offs. Water resource production processes were described in the context of multiple output production theory. Several possible production relations among water products were outlined. It was argued that production relations descriptive of water resource development have to be understood to calculate trade-off ratios. Several empirical cases were examined to illustrate problems and procedures in the trade-off calculation process. The absolute level of investment was shown to be very important in the trade-off calculation process. Other recommended approaches for calculating trade-offs were compared with the recommended approach in this study. Most other approaches were found to be deficient in many respects. It was shown that net dollar benefits can be traded-off for increases in non-money valued products only if the investment levels for the various alternatives are the same and the money valued products are kept in equilibrium proportions. The theoretical concepts of joint products, joint costs, interdependence, independence, complementarity, and competitiveness were also defined concisely in the study. The Federal document used in planning water and related land resource development projects was evaluated in light of the results of the study. The approach to delineation of the number of plans should be modified. Alternative plans should reflect the same investment cost. Also, the notions of complementary and conflicting products should be defined more concisely. Underlying production relations need to be identified to facilitate plan formulation and trade-off calculations.
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