Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Nitrogen fertilizer rate and application timing effects on growth and seed-oil yield of meadowfoam

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  • Meadowfoam has been identified as a potential oilseed crop for production on poorly drained soils in areas with cool, moist winters. The effects of N fertilizer on meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba Benth.) have been studied in Oregon and Maryland, but the results have not been consistent with respect to the effects on oil yield: yields were reduced in most cases but significantly increased in another. Excessive lodging and incidence of fungal infection were associated with N fertilization in some studies. This study evaluated the effects of twelve combinations of N rate and timing on meadowfoam oil yields and on plant growth and development. Meadowfoam selection 703-A received 50, 100, and 200 kg N ha -1 applied in fall, winter, spring, and fall/spring application schedules (regimes). Each N treatment and the control were replicated four times in randomized complete blocks on the Hyslop Research Station of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. All N treatment means for seed and oil yield were greater than the control mean. Winter applications of N fertilizer increased the efficiency of fertilizer use, increased floral density, produced relatively early dry weight gains and flowering, and increased seed-oil content. Fall-applied fertilizer N responses were reduced by leaching losses, but it appeared that some quantity of N fertilizer should be applied in the fall and another application made in late winter (before March) for optimal seed-oil yields. Fall applications of slow-release forms of N should also be studied.
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