Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Photogrammetric uses of a new-generation analytical stereoplotter in forestry

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  • The development of personal computer software coupled to an analytical stereoplotter allows major gains in efficiency and accuracy in a number of forestry related subjects. This thesis describes the operation of a system developed by Carto Instruments. This thesis demonstrates how area estimates might be made in a systematic way within 5% of true values by accounting for topographic displacement, non-horizontal flight, and imprecise determination of scale, factors that conventionally result in errors of more than 25%. Ground distances were accurate within 3% at 300 feet on 1:31000 scale black and white prints. At a similar scale, tree heights ranging from 40 to 100 feet could be consistently estimated within 10% of true height. When applied to mapping the location of snags, key features of riparian zones, and changes in canopy openings, the system proved satisfactory on various filni media and scales. Historical analysis of aerial photographs was demonstrated by adjusting to common scale and measuring rates of vegetation change over four decades toward canopy closure. The same approach has application for other historical analysis where aerial photographs are available. The application of the system to terrestrial photogrammetry was demonstrated using 35 mm transparencies to measure tree taper within an accuracy of 2 inches. In summary, merging of software written for a personal computer has finally made the benefits of analytical stereoplotting economically available to a host of forestry-related topics and provides an opportunity for numerous applications including, as demonstrated, a more accurate digitizing of data to be included in any geographic information system.
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  • PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (24-bit Color and 256 B&W), using Capture Perfect 3.0, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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