Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

International Student Perceptions of Campus Services

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  • International students are a growing population at many institutions of higher education in the United States, and they face unique challenges in navigating both higher education and the United States as a whole. Though there is significant research about international students, few studies have examined how international students perceive student services, and fewer have explored student services outside of international student support services. This qualitative study was conducted to better understand how international students at Oregon State University perceive campus services, specifically services received outside of the Office of International Services. Four participants participated in the study, and six common themes emerged from their narratives: campus climate, interactions with staff, effective communication, identity, on-campus involvement, and meaningful relationships. From these results, four recommendations for practitioners were offered. These recommendations included building knowledge of and capacity to support international students across the whole campus, creating intentional and inclusive communication practices, developing more inclusive programs, and collaborating with international educators on campus. Key Words: International students, campus climate, campus services, student services, institutional support
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