Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A mathematical model simulating mass transport of chemicals in saturated porous media

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  • A mathematical model simulating mass transport of chemicals in saturated porous medium is given in four parts. Included in the development is the physical phenomenon of adsorption of molecules of chemicals on the surrounding walls of the porous medium. The four main areas of study are: (1) Simple one dimensional diffusion of chemicals into a water saturated porous medium with adsorption and with a zero initial distribution, (2) One dimensional conduction and diffusion of chemicals in a water saturated porous medium together with adsorption and a zero initial distribution of chemical, (3) One dimensional mass transport via conduction, diffusion, and adsorption of a non-zero initial distribution of chemical in a water saturated porous medium, (4) Multi-dimensional mass transport via conduction, diffusion, and adsorption of a non-zero initial distribution of chemical in a water saturated porous medium. Transport equations are developed for each system considered. Key physical parameters such as the total pore space, effective pore space, hydrodynamic flow velocity, diffusion coefficient, and retentive ability are included. Solutions to the transport equations are derived by the methods of integral transforms and finite differences. Experimental work on the first submodel is included. Theoretical curves for various values of the parameters for the remaining three submodels are given.
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