Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An animated simulation model for a transtainer based container handling facility

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  • The efficiency of a marine cargo terminal depends primarily upon a smooth and orderly flow of material during the container loading process. It has been observed that the transtainer operation is the bottleneck in the loading process due to frequent rehandles of containers and the speed of the transtainer. Past attempts at improving the port operation have concentrated on the computerization of the load planning function and the efficient warehousing of the outbound containers. These attempts have been successful to some extent, but have not been able to significantly eliminate the unproductive movements of the material handling equipment during the loading operation. This study proposes a methodology of utilizing a buffer space as a method to increase the utilization of the material handling equipment, and reduce the total container loading time. A simulation model using a graphics simulation system is developed to compare the proposed methodology with the current practice at the Port of Portland. The results from 96 simulation runs show that the use of a buffer space significantly improves the flow of material during the loading operation resulting in an average of 4% reduction in the total loading time. The methodology proposed in this study can be evaluated and implemented for any transtainer-based container port operation, and is anticipated to make considerable contribution to the planning of future container port design.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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