Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of Douglas-fir tussock moth infestation on outdoor recreationists in the Blue Mountains, Oregon

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  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the Douglas-fir tussock moth, spray control program and salvage operations have had on outdoor recreationists in the Blue Mountains in northeastern Oregon during the 1972-1974 outbreak. Eight hundred ninety-four parties were interviewed one year after the outbreak in four separate surveys. The objective was to determine the respondents' awareness of the insect problem, and their behavior and attitude toward the problems and changes. The study indicated that, over a long period of time, the secondary stage of the infestation has a greater impact and is of more concern than the direct annoyance and nuisance of the primary stage of the insect outbreak. The greatest direct change attributable to the tussock moth was the visual appearance in the landscape of dead and dying trees. Comments about new roads, logging, and changes in the game populations and habitat were more noticeable and mentioned more often than those of the Douglas-fir tussock moth. It is important that future environmental statements and analyses reports consider both the primary and secondary stage activity effects of insect and disease control projects on recreation in the future.
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