Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Cellular synthesis of synchronous sequential machines

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  • With the advancing solid-state technology, it is necessary to develop new techniques for synthesizing digital networks. The regular pattern of cellular circuits seems to be the best fitted for the new LSI technology. Recently, cellular implementations of comibinational circuits have received considerable attention but very little attention has been given to sequential circuits. In this paper, we present two new methods for realizing sequential machines, both using cellular circuits. These new techniques will also enable us to do away with the time-consuming and difficult problem of state assignment. State-assigned (Moore) machines are assumed throughout. The first method converts sequential functions into combinational like equations. In order to do so, the machine must be either definite or finite input and feedback memory (FIFM). If the machine is neither definite nor FIFM, it is made FIFM by constructing a proper feedback function. These combinational like equations can easily be implemented by conventional combinational cellular circuits, such as the cutpoint cellular arrays, together with delay elements. The second method utilizes matrix methods. It is noted that when a machine is in a certain state and is subject to an input, it does two things: it makes a state transition and it produces outputs. If the diagonal elements of an nxn array of cells are thought as representing n states, the transition of states can be accomplished by first moving horizontally and then vertically and the output can be collected by an added bottom collection row. In both cases, bounds on the number of cells are established and minimal realizations are studied. Methods for starting these cellular machines are also investigated. In order to make the machine more flexible, techniques are devised to initialize the machine into any state desired. It is safe to predict that future computing systems will continue to increase the demands on several sophisticated design areas. They will need to be more readily expandable and modifiable. Automatic error detection and correction will also play a more significant role. Therefore, besides modularity, reliability and programmability are also important aspects of any new design techniques. Both synthesis methods presented in this paper can easily be modified to include these features.
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