Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Amount of care given by daughters and perceived relationship quality with care-receiving mothers

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  • The relationship between mothers and daughters has been shown to be generally positive and strong throughout the life cycle. The relationship may become strained, however, as mothers become dependent due to deteriorating health or chronic health conditions. It has long been recognized in both the gerontological and intergenerational literatures that caring for a dependent elderly parent can be burdensome and stressful for some caregiving adult daughters. Using the elaborated wear-and-tear hypothesis, this study examined longitudinally the impact of the amount of care given on 140 caregiving daughters' perception of the quality of their relationship with their elderly dependent mothers. It was hypothesized that increases in the amount of care given by caregiving daughters over time would lead to a corresponding decrease in relationship quality. It was also hypothesized that relationship quality and amount of care given would be stable over time. Results indicated that providing more care does decrease relationship quality between caregiving daughters and care-receiving mothers over time although it does not do so initially. Further, the results of study showed that relationship quality and amount of care given, on average, are stable over time.
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