Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship between burnout and selected demographic and job-related variables among Oregon public school teacher-coaches : identifying coping strategies

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  • The purposes of this study were to determine relationships between burnout and selected demographic and job-related variables and to identify burnout coping strategies commonly used by teacher-coaches in public secondary schools. A volunteer sample of 193 teacher-coaches responded to a three-section questionnaire composed of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Jaloweic Coping Strategies Inventory, and a demographic information sheet. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the chi-square test of independence and Cramer's V statistic, and one-way analysis of variance with Newman-Keuls post hoc pairwise comparisons. The reported level of burnout among teacher-coaches was moderate in each of the six burnout dimensions. Emotional exhaustion frequency was related to age, teaching experience and salary. Emotional exhaustion intensity was related to age, years at present school and number of sports coached in a year. Depersonalization frequency was related to specialization taught, type of sport coached as head coach, and gender of athletes coached as head coach. Depersonalization intensity was not related to any demographic or job-related variable. Personal accomplishment frequency was related to teaching experience, specialization taught, and salary. Personal accomplishment intensity was related to age, specialization taught and salary. Tension-releasing coping tended to be employed in coping with emotional exhaustion. Problem-focused coping strategies tended to be used in coping with low personal accomplishment. Problem-focused, tension-releasing, and to a lesser extent morale-maintaining strategies were used in coping with feelings of depersonalization. Problem-focused coping was negatively related to depersonalization frequency and intensity and low personal accomplishment frequency and intensity. Tension-releasing coping was positively related to emotional exhaustion frequency and intensity and depersonalization frequency and intensity. Morale- maintaing coping was positively related to depersonalization frequency.
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