Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth and reproduction of annual bluegrass (Poa annua) in response to trinexepacethyl or prohexadione-calcium at multiple rates and application timings

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  • Field experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 in the Willamette Valley of Oregon to investigate the effects of two plant growth regulators on the growth and reproduction of the weed annual bluegrass. Previous research suggested that the plant growth regulator prohexadione-calcium hastened senescence of annual bluegrass. Another plant growth regulator, trinexepac-ethyl has been used for suppression of annual bluegrass seedheads in turf. Plant growth regulators were applied in either split or single applications in March, April or May at five field sites over two years. Annual bluegrass biomass, seed yield, thousand seed weight, seed germination, and panicles per plant were measured as well as crop yield. No treatment provided satisfactory annual blugrass control when applied in either single or split applications at rates within the range suggested by the manufacturers for increased crop yield. Controlled environment trials also were conducted to evaluate the growth regulating properties of trinexepac-ethyl on annual bluegrass plants. Results of dose response experiments were similar to those of field trials. Annual bluegrass biomass was not consistently decreased with increasing rates of trinexepac-ethyl. Treated plants had fewer spikelets per panicle and fertile florets per spikelet compared to untreated controls. Although spikelets per panicle and fertile florets per spikelet were reduced, increased seed production may be obtained due to increased numbers of panicles per plant.
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