Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The role of the vocational teacher as perceived by three groups : non-degree, new-degree and experienced vocational teachers

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  • The Purpose of the Study: The central purpose of this study was to compare the role perceptions of (A) non-degree vocational teachers recruited from business and industry, (B) experienced vocationally certified teachers who had been teaching more than five years, and (C) new-degree vocational education graduates from Oregon State University. The major dimensions included: utilization of the Vocational Industrial Teacher Attitude Scale (VITAS) for gathering the data; analysis of data to determine if there were differences among the three groups in their responses to the 72 item questionnaire; ranking of means for all items in which all three groups had a mean score higher than 4.000; ranking of means for all items in which all three groups had mean scores of less than 2.000; and the formulation of implications to be considered in the training of non-degree teachers for their vocational teaching roles. The Procedures: The procedure for this study was to submit a questionnaire to the selected population in each of the three groups. The Vocational Industrial Teacher Attitude Scale (VITAS), a questionnaire containing 72 items with a five-point Likert-type scale, was used to gather data. The dependent variable in the study was a score which was judgmentally assigned by subjects to denote the amount of agreement for each of the 72 items included in the scale. The Data: The F statistic was used to analyze the differences between the mean scores for each item, with the .01 level of significance being used to determine where differences existed among the three groups. A test of Least Significant Difference (L.S.D.) was used to determine where specific differences existed between adjacent means of the three groups which were rejected in the analysis of variance tests. Selected Findings: Generally, the analysis of variance tests indicated that the three groups were similar in their responses to the 72 items. Based on the results of the study, it does not seem that a baccalaureate degree is mandatory for perception of the vocational teacher's role. The perception of the instructor's role is one approach to establishing meaningful teacher education programs designed to prepare professionally competent personnel regardless of whether they have prior teacher training experience or not.
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