Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Trinexapac-ethyl timing and rate effects on crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) seed yield and seed yield components

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  • Oregon is the world’s leading producer of crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) seed. Recent research has reported that seed yield has been increased in cool-season grass and red clover (T. pratense L.) seed crops with the application of trinexapac-ethyl, a gibberellic acid biosynthesis inhibiting plant growth regulator (PGR) and lodging-control agent. There is very little readily accessible information on the management of crimson clover seed crops, and no work has been done that determines the effect of trinexapac-ethyl on seed production in crimson clover. The objectives of this study were: (i) to create a resource document for production of crimson clover seed crops, (ii) to determine the effect of trinexapac-ethyl on seed yield and seed yield components in crimson clover, and (iii) establish a recommendation for usage of trinexapac-ethyl in crimson clover to maximize yield for seed growers in the Willamette Valley. Field trials were conducted at OSU’s Hyslop Experimental Farm, Corvallis, Oregon, in two growing seasons (2014-15 and 2015-16). Trinexapac-ethyl PGR application rates (140, 280, 420, and 560 g a.i. ha-1) and timing [Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemische Industrie (BBCH) stages 32 and 50] treatments and an untreated control were investigated. Seed yield was not significantly affected by PGR treatments, while seed weight was reduced in both growing seasons. Seed number m-2 was significantly increased in the second growing season when mowing occurred. Both seed number and seed weight contributed to the stability in seed yield over years. Seed crops in both years were produced under extreme weather conditions where the first growing season was dry, while parts of the field in the second growing season were flooded. The number of inflorescence and florets m-2 was higher in the second growing season, while the seed set was lower, thus, seed yields in the second year were lower. Under the extreme conditions of this study, trinexapac-ethyl was not beneficial for crimson clover seed yields but was effective as a lodging control agent.
  • Keywords: Clover seed production, Plant growth regulator
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