Honors College Thesis

Characterizing the Interaction between BCL11B and TCF-1 transcription factors in the control of the BCL-xL gene

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  • Immature T cells, known as thymocytes, undergo development through successive stages in the thymus and the periphery to become functional mature T cells. These stages are regulated by sequence specific transcription factors (SSTFs). Two such SSTFs, BCL11B and TCF-1, are both known master regulators of thymopoiesis, which is also known as T cell development. Loss or mutation of either SSTF has been known to cause improper maturation of thymocytes and have been present in T cell leukemias and lymphomas. Each SSTF has been well-studied individually, but their interaction with each other has yet to be explored. Understanding the interaction between these two proteins can highlight potential new treatments for T-ALL. Through ChIP-seq (Chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing) analysis and a survey of the literature, the BCL-xL (bcl2l1) gene was chosen as a target gene on which to characterize the interaction of BCL11B and TCF-1 through the use of a Luciferase Assay. The interaction between BCL11B and TCF-1 in the presence of the BCL-xL gene can be described as inhibitory. The presence of both transcription factors with the reporter construct lead to a decrease in luminosity, compared to luminosity measured in the presence of BCL11B only. Keywords: Thymopoiesis, TCF-1, BCL11B, BCL-xL, Luciferase Assay
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Non-Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • SURE Science Grant, College of Science, Oregon State University
Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Ongoing Research
Embargo date range
  • 2018-05-26 to 2018-12-26



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