Honors College Thesis

Sources of variability in duration of anesthesia with brevital sodium in snakes

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  • Variability in the depth and duration of anesthesia in individuals within a species is frequently observed, yet few studies have investigated its causes in reptiles. To evaluate the potential causes of variability in reptile anesthesia, I conducted experiments to test for effects of body temperature, body composition and time post-feeding on the duration of brevital sodium anesthesia in the red-sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). Mean times to righting ability of snakes anesthetized at 31°C were twice as high as snakes at 21°C. Fat snakes (i.e. those with higher mass/SVL ratios) had a mean time to righting ability that was 60% lower than did thin snakes. Time post-feeding did not have a statistically significant effect on the time to righting ability in snakes that were anesthetized one, three and ten days after consuming 30% of their body mass in food. Recommendations for producing more predictable results when using injectable anesthetics in reptiles are given and an equation to predict the effective dosage of sodium brevital based on body temperature and body condition in T .s. parietalis is proposed.
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