Honors College Thesis

Graphic User Interface with Autopilot Features for UAVs

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  • The purpose of this project was to provide a tool for the Aerial Team of the Robotics Club with an application to control a UAV for automated missions - the Aerial Team's focus is automation of UAVs. This application lays out the foundations to allow future members of the Aerial Team to build on and customize for specific automated missions. UAV university competitions consist on building and automating UAVs for a wide variety of missions. This is why I designed this application to allow multiple processes to connect to one control center, in a client-server type fashion. There are three software components that act as clients: the graphic user interface, the path planning algorithm, and the computer vision algorithm. With this project I am providing the Aerial Team with a control center, as well as a graphic user interface. The path planning and computer vision algorithms are left to other members of the team to develop to be able to deploy a UAV for autonomous missions. The control center I've designed is multi-threaded program that allows other programs to connect to it using sockets. This makes it easy for future additions to be incorporated into the system. The research for this project consisted in finding the the most advanced technology available for educational purposes and integrating it into a practical system for real-world solutions. All of the code used for this project is open-source. Please note that the words UAV and drone are used interchangeably throughout this document.
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