Honors College Thesis

Langmuir-Pockels Trough with Double Wall Couette for Measuring Interfacial Rheology of Insoluble Surfactants

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  • Insoluble surfactants are unique molecules that have the ability to manipulate interfacial properties, becoming useful in numerous applications such as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, dispersants, and more. Interfacial rheology is a field that attempts to characterize the flow properties of insoluble surfactants by exerting a stress on the fluid and measuring the strain, or fluid deformation, in response. These measurements are inherently small, constraining rheology equipment to acute sensitivity along with an immense cost. The objective was to design a customized device to accurately and efficiently perform rheological characterizations under simultaneously controlled surface pressure that would fit into the established equipment scheme at a reasonable price. The methodology described in this thesis outlines a brief history of a few interfacial rheology pioneers, a design requirement inventory, a technology review, as well as a proposed design and experimental laboratory setup. A series of design modifications were made to the double wall Couette and trough to customize a device to fit existing equipment in Dr. Walker’s lab. The proposed design will allow the study of interfacial properties to occur under controlled surface pressure at a significantly lower cost than the current market price, while giving the potential to expand the device functionality in the future. Key Words: rheology, interfacial rheology, insoluble surfactants, design, double wall Couette, Langmuir trough
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  • University Honors College
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