Honors College Thesis

An Evaluation of Staffing Needs at the Health Clinic in Maunatlala, Botswana

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  • As part of the Botswana Global Learning Internship Program, a qualitative study was conducted regarding the current staffing conditions at the local village health clinic in Maunatlala, Botswana. This was a month-long project conducted over the summer of 2018. Students from Oregon State University lived in the village of Maunatlala and conducted interviews with community members and clinic staff. The purpose was to identify and recommend improvements to specific points of interest defined by the community themselves. This project aimed to address staffing deficiencies within the village clinic. The clinic in Maunatlala village is currently operating over capacity and as both the clinic, and as the population that it serves expand, staffing deficiencies will only continue to worsen. The report included recommendations for increasing staffing, creating more opportunities for nurses, and assisting staff workers with housing costs in order to remediate the current staffing issues, as well as to forecast and address future staffing needs. A final report of the recommendations was given to several Ministries within the Botswana government including the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed



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