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The Oregon State University Extension Service: as others see us: a Statewide survey

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  • A common thread among successful organizations-­ both public and private-is the attention paid to clients. It's important to know who your clients are, what they know and think about your organization, and how they feel about your product. The OSU Extension Service is especially aware of the need to be client-oriented. A "marketing emphasis" over the past several years has pointed out the benefits of knowing what the market thinks. Our market is the users and potential users of our educational programs and materials. In late 1986, Extension, in cooperation with the OSU Survey Research Center, contracted with the Portland marketing research firm of Bardsley-Haslacher to do a statewide public opinion poll of Oregon adults over 18 years of age. The goal was to find out who knew about Exten­sion, who had used Extension's services in the past year, how they rate Extension's product (informal education), and the value they place on the kinds of programs Extension offers. Conducted in November 1986, the survey involved in­home interviews with a random sample (804) of Oregoni­ans. The questions about Extension were a part of a more detailed questionnaire.
  • Published May 1988. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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