File Format: pdf (Portable Document Format)
File Title: Base specific binding of copper (II) to Z-DNA : 1.3 A single crystal structure of d(m⁵CGUAm⁵CG) soaked with CuCl₂
Base specific binding of copper (II) to Z-DNA : 1.3 A single crystal structure of d(mCGUAmCG) soaked with CuCl
.Base specific binding of copper (II) to Z-DNA : 1.3 A single crystal structure of d(m⁵CGUAm⁵CG) soaked with CuCl₂
Page Count: 179
File Size: 7824238
Original Checksum: bc1a3005e32faa5bea79c6ee47279791
Mime Type: application/pdf