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  • İstanbul Bosphorus is a strategic fishing area with its physico-chemical and geographical characteristics. Also because of İstanbul metropole is taking part there, İstanbul aquatic Products fish market has become an important position in the region. The high variety of species and product entrance quantity rates provided us a continuous data flow for our study. The study was done between the dates of 1 January and 31 December 2014. Species were examined in two groups there such as fish and invertebrates. In 2014, 75 species (68 fish and 7 Invertebrates) were processed in İstanbul aquatic products fish market and the total production was 42 244 tonnes (41 466 tonnes fish and 5 778 tonnes invertebrates) there. Quantities and prices of fish and invertebrates, which were added into the concept of research, were collected daily in survey form. Research results showed us that quantity of total products, which entered to fish market from 15 April until 1 September in fishing ban period, was decreased. This situation was caused the increasing of product unit price and there became seasonal fluctuations. Also there had been observed that the quantity of production was related to natural conditions mostly and aquaculture products were not related to unit price formation too much. In addition, we established that the quantity of products which entered to fish market was in maximum rates in October and in minimum rates at the end of finishing the fishing ban period in August.
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