Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

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  • Studies were conducted to assess influencing the effectiveness of sheep for grazing control of false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) an invasive grass species. Orphan lambs were exposed to false brome via grass extract in their milk and naturally reared lambs were exposed by grazing dense stands of false brome with their mothers pre-weaning. When orphan lambs were subsequently offered fresh false brome under pen conditions, prior exposure had no effect on intake. When naturally reared lambs were tested under the same conditions, lambs previously exposed to false brome consumed 50% more than controls. The effect was also observed under grazing conditions when naturally reared lambs were placed on dense plots of false brome. Concerns about seed remaining viable after passing iii through the sheep gut were examined by a variety of digestion trials. When suspended in the rumen for varying times, seed was partially digested and viability correspondingly dropped until no viable seed was found after 48 hrs. In vitro digestion resulted in no viable seeds after 24 hrs. When loose seed was placed directly into the rumen for in vivo digestion, no intact seed could be found in feces and no seed germination occurred in fecal samples.
  • Keywords: Brachypodium sylvaticum, Sheep, grazing control, false brome
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