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  • The structure of wholesale and retail marketing catfish (Clarias gariepinus) were analysed in order to assess the degree of competition and understand the organization of the farm raised catfish (Clarias gariepinus) market in southwestern Nigeria, a major aquaculture fish producing area in Nigeria. The market was evaluated by considering the degree of market concentration, conditions of entry and magnitude of product differentiation. Sixty –four (64) catfish wholesalers (CW) and one hundred and thirty-seven (137) retailers (CR) were purposely selected from the market. Two sets of structured questionnaires were administered on wholesalers and retailers. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with the used of frequency distribution, percentages and Lorenz curve with the accompany Gini coefficient. Analysis of the market structure reveals that fewer numbers of wholesalers were able to influence price to their own advantage. The market is characterized by existence of barrier to entry for potential entrepreneurs due to inadequate investment cost and the presence of fish seller's association. Both markets are oligopolistic . The market has distribution, with Gini coefficient of 0.66 and 0.60 at wholesale and retail levels respectively. Confirming that wholesale is more concentrated than retail market. Some recommendations for the raised Clarias gariepinus business include increased access to credit for traders to increase entry and Government should provide a good market place for the sellers with good infrastructures.
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