Technical Report

Marine Bird Surveys: California Current Ecosystem Survey - Marine Bird Surveys April 2008 and July-August 2008

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  • As part of the California Current Ecosystem Survey, NOAA Fisheries sponsored pairs of seabird observers who collected quantitative information on marine bird species, abundance, and behavior during all daylight hours when the ship was under way. Observers participated on Leg 1 and Leg 2 of the April 2008 Miller Freeman survey, and Legs 1, 2, and 3 of the July-August David Starr Jordan survey. OWET provided funding for observers on Leg 2 of the April cruise and Legs 1 and 2 of the July cruise; data from non-OWET funded legs are included for completeness. This report is meant to provide a concise data summary of methods, survey dates and locations, and relative abundance of bird species seen during the surveys. It is not a final analysis, nor have data been fully processed to provide absolute abundances.
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  • Zamon, Jeannette E. 2008. Marine Bird Surveys: California Current Ecosystem Survey - Marine Bird Surveys April 2008 and July-August 2008. Portland, OR: Oregon Wave Energy Trust. 24 p.
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Oregon Wave Energy Trust and the OSU Libraries cooperate to provide long-term access to OWET reports. OSU's ScholarsArchive is the digital repository for continual access to the report. The OWET website,, provides immediate access to OWET funded reports.



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