Technical Report

Fertilizer experiments with winter wheat in western Oregon

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  • In a series of 30 winter wheat fertilizer experiments conducted in the Willamette Valley between 1963 and 1969, optimum rates of nitrogen fertilization varied from 75 to 150 pounds per acre. Fertilization with N, particularly at the-higher rates, increased the protein content of the grain. Spring-applied N gave greater yield increases than fall-applied N and, with only one exception, no advantage was gained from applying a portion of the N fertilizer in the fall. Split N applications in the spring gave no advantage over a single spring application of N. Grain yield responses to phosphorus fertilization were obtained at most sites where soil-test levels for P were below 20 ppm. Potassium fertilization increased the yield of grain at one location where the soil-test value for K was 55 ppm. Grain yield response to sulfur fertilization was obtained at only one of the sixteen locations where the effect of S fertilization was measured. Lime applications increased grain yields at two sites located on strongly acid soils. Three different wheat varieties were included in these experiments. Nugaines outyielded Druchamp on the valley floor soils and Druchamp was superior to Nugaines on the acid hill soils. Yamhill usually outyielded the other two varieties on both hill soil and valley floor soil locations.
  • Published July 1972. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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