Technical Report

The health risks of herbicides in forestry : a review of the scientific record

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  • For more than a decade now, the use of her­bicides (especially phenoxy herbicides) in forestry has been the subject of intense controversy. The debate has touched upon many aspects of herbicides, ranging from eco­logy to economics. But at the center of discussion has been the issue of possible adverse effects on human health. Members of the scientific and medical community have been actively engaged in evaluating the safety of herbicide use. This investigation has been broadened as new questions have been raised or new information has come to light; for example, reports of illness in Vietnam veterans possibly connected with their expo­sure to Agent Orange, miscarriages in coastal forest dwellers near areas treated with 2,4,5-T, and inappropriate disposal of dioxin-contaminated wastes. Researchers and physicians have also given expert testimony as the debate has moved into the courtrooms. Enough studies have been completed in the past fifteen years or more that it is timely to publish a review of the scientific record regarding the health risks of using her­bicides in forestry. This bulletin also pro­vides a brief introduction to the methods of toxicology and the regulatory control of toxic substances by government. We hope that this information wilI be helpful to those concerned with the use of herbicides in our environment and particularly in forestry operations.
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