Technical Report

Review report on Columbia River and tributaries. Appendix A : Columbia River Basin in Canada

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  • Scope of report. - No report of a comprehensive nature on the development of the water resources of the Columbia River Basin in the United States would be complete without consideration being given to the large portion of the drainage area of the river in Canada and the large run-off from that area. Consideration also should be given to the economic development in the Canadian portion of the basin, particularly in those areas near the international boundary wherein problems may arise from developments near the boundary. Because of the importance of these con­siderations, the presentation in some detail of certain data in a separate appendix was believed necessary for the following reasons:
  • (a) The geography, topography and climate are important factors in estimating the probable run-off in the various international streams and their tributaries.
  • (b) The location, annual and seasonal run-off and general char­acter of the more important streams are likewise important in estimating the quantity and character of their probable run-off.
  • (c) A knowledge of the economic development of this portion of Columbia River Basin is of prime importance to any long-range planning program involving the exploitation of its water resources in either coun­try. Presentation of these data is believed conservative.
  • (d) The discussion at this time of existing and potential stor­age in Canada is undertaken only because some estimate as to its probable quantity, location and rate of discharge is necessary in the consideration of long-range plans for developments downstream. No attempt has been made to evaluate the benefits that would accrue either directly or indirectly to Canada from development of storage in that country. While these would be real and of great magnitude, their realization and proper evaluation is dependent upon many factors, the determination of which is a prerogative of Canada and beyond the scope of this report. Similarly, the brief discus­sion of some of the existing problems in Canada is undertaken, not to point out their obvious existence and importance, but rather to mention those of mutual interest where united action of both countries might provide their best and most satisfactory solution.
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