Technical Report

The Use of Nisin and Nisin Resistant Strains of Leuconostoc oenos to Control Malolactic Fermentation and to Prevent the Growth of Spoilage Bacteria in Oregon Wines [1991-1992]

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  • Nisin, a bactericidal polypeptide, has the potential to inhibit spoilage bacteria and control rnatolactic fermentation in wines. Nisin activity has previously been observed to remain stable in white wines but to decrease in red wines. This decrease is believed to be directly proportional to the concentration of polyphenolic compounds in the wines. Six polyphenolic components of grapes and wine ( gallic acid, catechin, myricetin, quercetin, malvidin 3,5-diglucoside, and crude grape tannin) were tested individually in a model wine system. Tannin resulted in the largest decrease in nisin activity. Grape tannin was further evaluated using a series of red wines ages for two, four, and six months before the addition of nisin. These studies showed a greater loss of nisin activity in the wine aged for six months that in the younger wines. Identical sets of wine, aged for two, four, and six months at either 4'C or 23'C before nisin was added, showed in each case that increased temperature resulted in an increased loss of nisin activity. This information may be valuable for winemakers who are considering the addition of fiisin to their wines to inhibit (or control) malolactic fermentation and the growth of spoilage lactic acid bacteria.
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  • Daeschel, M. A. (1992). The Use of Nisin and Nisin Resistant Strains fo Leuconostoc oenos to Control Malolactic Fermentation and to Prevent the Growth of Spoilage Bacteria in Oregon Wines 1991-1992. Oregon Wine Advisory Board Research Progress Report.
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Peer Reviewed