Technical Report

Ecological studies of radioactivity in the Columbia River estuary and adjacent Pacific Ocean : progress report, 1 March 1964 through 1 July 1965

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  • This report covers somewhat more than a full year of operation. Individual contracts between the AEC and Oregon State University covering the research of William Pearcy, Andrew Carey, Jr. , and Charles Osterberg were combined into a joint contract on 1 November 1964. No Progress Reports for the unexpired portions of individual contracts were prepared at that time. Those data are included in this report. The papers presented vary from brief abstracts to fairly comprehensive studies, from hurried summaries of work in progress to published manuscripts. Some of the summaries of work in progress are so up to the minute as to be largely unchecked, and subject to the usual errors encountered in meeting a deadline. These will surely need correction and revision. The reader is reminded of the preliminary nature of much of the data found in Section II. The inclusion of material in this unfinished condition is justified because it demonstrates the scope of our work and the state of its progress. Surely this is a function of a Progress Report.
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