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  • The National Natural Landmarks (NNL) Program encourages the preservation of exceptional examples of the Nation’s biological and geological features. To qualify for NNL designation, a site must be one of the best examples of a geological or biological feature within a biophysiographic province. Round Top Butte includes a basaltic butte and the flat, volcanic plains and small hills south of the butte. The area is a mosaic of dry grassland, ponderosa pine savanna, white oak savanna, and buckbrush chaparral. The grassland, savanna and chaparral habitats are exceptional in that they are mostly dominated by native bunchgrasses, rather than the introduced annual grasses or pasture grasses which dominate most other similar areas in the interior valleys of the Pacific Northwest. The site is also unusual in having savannas and forest composed mostly of large, widely spaced old trees. The Potential Round Top Butte National Natural Landmark is comprised of two protected parcels. One is an established Research Natural Area (RNA) managed by the Medford District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). This report recommends that Round Top Butte PNNL meets the national significance criteria required for the NNL Program.
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