Technical Report

Pinot noir Clonal Trial

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  • Pinot noir is Oregon's most important wine grape variety, representing 38% of the state's total wine production. Oregon State University began importing Pinot noir clones from California and France in the 1970's to insure that Oregon growers had access to the full range of clonal types. Almost all of the Pinot noir then planted in Oregon consisted of two clones from California, FPMS 2A and FPMS 4, known as WAdenswil and Pommard. Initial French importations were from INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) at Colmar and ANTAV (Association Nationale pour I'Am6lioration de la Viticulture) at Domaine I'Espiguette. French clones were indexed for virus status and clones free from damaging viruses were released to the industry. Evaluation of these clones and clones available from the Foundation Plant Materials Service (FPMS) at the University of California at Davis began in two trials planted in 1979 in commercial vineyards. Neither of these trials were replicated and there were apparently some mis-identified material in the trials, however, the range of clonal variation and the potential value of some of the clones were clearly apparent (5,7). Additional material was imported from ONIVINS (Office National Interprofessionnel des Vins) at Dijon in 1984. This group of clones was well characterized in French trials and was in commercial use in Burgundy (1,4). Some of the FPMS clones were also introductions from ONIVINS (Table 1). Several of the clones from Dijon are currently being planted in Oregon, particularly DJN 113, 114, and 115. A new, replicated trial was planted in Oregon State University's vineyard to evaluate this material. The primary objective of the trial was to compare the Dijon clones to the large, but less well characterized, collection of clones from FPMS as well as to the results from our earlier trials. This trial was intended to describe and characterize a large group of clones and to compliment information obtained in commercial vineyard trials. The data presented here is from the first full crop from the trial
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