Technical Report

Agricultural field burning in the Willamette Valley

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  • This report summarizes available information on agricultural field burning in the Willamette Valley. Such information should be useful to all concerned with this practice and with the contribution it makes to air pollution in the State. The areas covered include background and basis for field burning; acreages, volumes, and emissions involved; pro­grams underway at Oregon State University; and an assessment of certain alternatives to field burning. At present, field burning (post-harvest burning of straw and stubble) is practiced with both perennial and annual grass seed crops and with a portion of the small grain cereal crops. The volume of smoke emissions during the late summer and fall when the now substantial acreages of these residues are burned has become a significant public issue. This report is intended only to summarize relevant information and provide an outlook. No policy recommendations are made. The fact that the basis for and benefits of field burning from an agricultural standpoint are indicated, for example, should not be construed to mean that a contin­uation of this practice is thus recommended or not recommended in this report. This decision must be made through the political process--through group action with participation by all interests. The benefits of field burning as an agricultural practice must be weighed against harmful effects or "costs" in air pollution. It is hoped that the information provided will assist in this social decision.
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