Technical Report

4-H entomology manual [1997]

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  • You will find the study of insects to be interesting and rewarding. This manual has been prepared to serve as a source of information concerning basic concepts in entomology. It will show you how to reach certain objectives and how to make and use equipment useful in learning about insects. The manual suggests activities 4-H members may engage in but is not intended to be limiting in any way. As you venture into this world of entomology, your interest may lead you into experiences not visualized in this manual. In a sense, and this is particularly true in entomology, you may explore new areas of science, and discover information about insects never known before. Many amateur entomologists find species new to science or see previously unknown behavioral patterns of insects. Remember, however, that everyone needs to learn certain basic information in entomology. Specialization or electives become more available as you develop your knowledge and skills. Keep this manual as a reference throughout your participation in the 4-H Entomology Project.
  • Revised July 1997. Reviewed September 2011. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Service Catalog:
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 256 Grayscale) using Scamax Scan+ V. on a Scanmax 412CD by InoTec in PDF format. LuraDocument PDF Compressor V. used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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