Technical Report

Screening for Biofouling and Corrosion of Tidal Energy Device Materials: In-situ results for Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington

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  • From April 2009 to February 2010, coupons of materials which could be used in the rotor, drive train, or foundation of tidal energy devices were deployed in-situ on the seabed at a prospective tidal energy site to screen for biofouling and corrosion. Materials include glass and carbon fiber composites, stainless steel, aluminum, structural steel, and common steel. Several potential rotary bearing materials were also screened. Coatings, including high copper anti-fouling, low copper anti-fouling, and inert foul-release are also evaluated for their ability to control biological fouling. For smooth surfaces, there is limited biological fouling at this particular site, which is below the photic zone. Stainless steel shows excellent corrosion resistance, while common and structural steels experience major surface oxidation after three months of exposure to the marine environment – even with sacrificial anodes. More quantitative work is required to evaluate corrosion rates and the potential strength degradation of glass and carbon fiber composites over long-term exposure to the marine environment.
  • This Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center Technical Memorandum was produced at the University of Washington. Its authors, Dr. Brian Polagye (Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Dr. Jim Thomson (Applied Physics Laboratory/Civil and Environmental Engineering) are part of the NNMREC.
  • Keywords: Corrosion, Biofouling, Marine renewable energy, Tidal energy, Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
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  • Polagye, Brian & Thomson, Jim. 2010. Screening for Biofouling and Corrosion of Tidal Energy Device Materials: In-situ results for Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington. NNMREC Report #1. Seattle: Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center. 12 pp.
Non-Academic Affiliation
Table of Contents
  • Introduction; Material Performance (Glass Fiber Composite, Carbon Fiber Composite, Aluminum (6061), Stainless Steel (314/316), Common Steel (1018), Structural Steel (539), Bearing Materials; Coatings (Trinidad, Vivid, Intersleek); Discussion; Acknowledgements; References
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Bill Kuykendall, Jeff Ambrose of International Paint, Tim Fagan of Pettit Paint, US Department of Energy and Snohomish Public Utility District.



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