Technical Report

Ecological Monitoring of Vascular Plant Resources at the Governor Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena Plateau: Initiation of Long-term Studies for Management.

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  • The bluffs and plateaus of the eastern Columbia River are floristically rich and ecologically intricate. A previous descriptive study of the unique scabland vegetation on the Gov. Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena Plateau in Oregon included delineation of several distinct or intergrading native and non-native vegetation units. In this study we: 1) established permanent transects in the swale-mound mosaic for monitoring compositional changes over time, in order to determine trends in community dynamics; 2) implemented a permanent plot system to monitor population demography of Astragalus hoodianus; and 3) resampled the vernal pool communities. Monitoring of the vegetation existing in the swale-mound mosaic grasslands is expected to provide information regarding whether the exotic annuals are continuing to increase at the expense of the indigenous flora, or if an equilibrium has been reached due to the cessation of grazing. Astragalus hoodianus is a rare and potentially threatened endemic, thus it is important to monitor this population's stability in terms of recruitment, mortality, and the apparent effects of competing vegetation on recruitment and on mortality.
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Date Issued
  • Meinke, Robert J. and Teresa K. Magee. 1986. Ecological Monitoring of Vascular Plant Resources at the Governor Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena Plateau: Initiation of Long-term Studies for Management. Department of Botany, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 40 pp.
Non-Academic Affiliation
Rights Statement
Hydrologic Unit Code
  • 17070105
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The Nature Conservancy provided funding for this project.
Peer Reviewed
File Extent
  • 40 pages
Digitization Specifications
  • Scanned paper document, text recognition by Adobe Acrobat 10.



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