Technical Report

Benthic macrofauna, sediment and water quality near seafood cannery outfalls in Yaquina Bay, Oregon

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  • "Seafood canneries in lower Yaquina Ray, Oregon process shrimp (Pandalus jordani), Dungeness crab (Cancer magister), a variety of bottom fish and several salmon species. The shrimp wastes are screened and discharged directly into the Ray beneath the cannery docks. During the shrimp processing season about 3.8 million liters of wastes are discharged daily. We conducted a survey of the macrohenthos, sediment, and water quality in Yaquina Bay in May 1978. The effects of the cannery wastes were restricted to the immediate vicinity of the cannery docks. The effluent plume was quite turbid and had high nutrient concentrations. Because of its initial low salinity it was restricted to the surface layer where it mixed with estuarine water and was rapidly dispersed by strong tidal currents. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were 7.0 mg/1 or greater in the plume. The strong currents and screening treatment of the effluent minimized deposition of solids on the sea bed. Bottom water quality was not adversely affected." (from the Abstract) Includes species list.
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