Technical Report

Vegetation monitoring and mapping at tidal wetland restoration and reference sites: Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Yaquina River Estuary

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  • This report documents vegetation monitoring and mapping conducted by Green Point Consulting during summer 2006 at six tidal wetland restoration and reference sites in the Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge of Oregon, and the upper Yaquina River estuary (near Toledo, Oregon). Vegetation at all sites except one had been monitored prior to restoration, providing baseline information for determination of restoration trajectory. We used a combination of spatial analysis of plant communities (vegetation mapping) and intensive sampling of plant community composition. We conducted intensive vegetation sampling in sample plots in quadrats along permanent transects and within permanent plots. Intensive sampling included analysis of percent cover in all communities, and woody stem density and basal area in scrub-shrub and forested communities. Plant communities were classified according to floristics following the National Vegetation Classification Standard (NVCS). Vegetation was mapped for all sites except one due to funding limitations, with a total of 91.5 hectares mapped.
Resource Type
Date Collected
Date Issued
  • Brophy, L.S. 2007. Vegetation monitoring and mapping at tidal wetland restoration and reference sites: Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Yaquina River Estuary. Prepared for Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Siletz, OR. Green Point Consulting, Corvallis, OR. 47pp.
Non-Academic Affiliation
Rights Statement
Hydrologic Unit Code
  • 17100204
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Peer Reviewed
File Extent
  • 47 pages



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