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Annotated references on managing young forests in the Douglas-fir region

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  • This bibliography lists selected references useful to the forester in managing young forests in the Douglas-fir region. The references pertain to those management activities that are carried on in the forest from stand regeneration until final harvest. Emphasis is on silvicultural, operational, and economic aspects of management, but social and ecological aspects are also included. The publications are those that a practicing forester in the Pacific Northwest should have in his library or should at least be aware of. Most publications listed can be obtained by writing to the author or the issuing agency. The general publications and proceedings cover a variety of subjects on forest management. For example, subjects such as economics, ecology, and operations, although not listed by subject, are covered in the proceedings. Spacing tests begun in 1925 at the Wind River Douglas-fir plantation by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station with 1-1 seedlings are the oldest tests in the Pacific Northwest. They show trends in stand growth and development for spacings of 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6, 8 x 8, 10 x 10, and 12 x 12 feet. Table 1 is a summary of that information periodically for the first 43 years. ' The levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir is in its early years. The publications describe the thinning regimes, the study areas, and the cooperators. During the next year, publications on several of the study areas will cover early response. The bibliography is not exhaustive, and the selection of publications is the sole responsibility of the author.
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